Sunday, December 28, 2008

Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (Eclipse RAP)

How can a platform that supports only standalone applications sustain in this new internet world? Can standalone applications stand against the plethora of web applications?

The future of application development will be centered around web.

Business requirements are changing every day and every hour. We require a rapid application development platform to cope up with the speed of the business changes. Eclipse is one of the most successful platform in this area.

The world is moving faster. People have no time to wait. The expectation from the software developers have increased due to the increased business competencies.

The web has changed the world like never before. Today in India, you do not need to wait in the long queues of the railway station. With a few clicks you can make reservations through And take a printout of the train ticket. All this from the comfort of your home or office.

Ten years earlier, Google became the preferred search engine because it was faster than any other website. If your application can reach the masses, the probability for its success is more. Why should the end user wait for an application installation? Why should he wait for the application installation again for each upgrade of the application?

The power of the rich UI of Eclipse as a web application, a rich client which works as yesteryears' thin client. Tomorrow to write java programs you may not need to wait till Eclipse loads up. You can just open your favourite browser and select a URL which opens eclipse in your webbrowser.

Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform aka Eclipse RAP moves in this direction. Check

The Package Explorer, Properties View and most of the eclipse widgets can be accessed using your browser. This is based on AJAX.

For more info, please look @

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